Author name: Mark

Internal Comms Taking the Informal Social Learning Torch

Social learning is alive and well. Especially in the informal sense but formal social still needs encouragement. I made this realization at SwoopChat today (a Swoop Analytics users event) where I was delighted by the numerous internal comms people I met and listened to. I learned that many were thinking beyond social tech adoption (even

Internal Comms Taking the Informal Social Learning Torch Read More »

L&D is Primed to Drive Enterprise Social, So Why Aren’t They?

L&D, if they want it, is rightly positioned to lead organizational social. At it’s very core social is about community, collaboration and sharing. Those last 2 are vehicles for knowledge, strategy and tactics to be transmitted and are how new ideas flourish and old problems are solved. L&D’s function is helping a business achieve optimal

L&D is Primed to Drive Enterprise Social, So Why Aren’t They? Read More »