
It’s called ThruWork… because everything flows through the work.

Yes, I’m consulting. No, I’m not leaving the Guild.  Before you get too cynical of the notion of another consultant, know that I’ve been there all along but just not all that formal. And rest assured my fellow consultant brethren I’m likely not your competition unless we’re in the same niche; focus, market and location. […]

It’s called ThruWork… because everything flows through the work. Read More »

Learning Happens in the Heat of the Moment

Learning in or as close to the actual context of the use of what has been learned has always been seen as ideal.  In my mind I always picture OTJ learning situations and historically I see apprenticeships like those of a blacksmith or cobbler. Studies exist that support what we’ve always believed about this. For

Learning Happens in the Heat of the Moment Read More »