The First ESN Post Every Leader Should Make

When companies decide to go all in with enterprise social tech many rightly look to get leaders on board early. What’s often overlooked in traditional approaches is the current state of trust and the foundation of trust being consistent actions. Assuming they aren’t “into” social already,  the moment a leader, maybe someone who is distant from the day to day or someone perceived as infalable or someone viewed as easy to anger and hard to please begins sharing birthday wishes and cat photos the jig is up. There is a better way though… Ask a Sincere Question.

I’m looking for?
I need?
I want?
Where is?
When is?
Who is?
How do I?

Questions do two important things for the workforce and one very important thing for leadership. For the employees, a question invites participation and reveals humility. Both are a draw, a pull towards the person behind the title. For the leader, they learn the one very important point of how starting a conversation creates connection and leads to collaboration. It shows them how all this social really works.

About Me

I help companies become more social by design.

I’m an organizational social designer, author, speaker, and consultant with Prossimo Global Partners. I help companies develop systems for the culture they need to scale their business without losing the things that make it special. I facilitate this shift through workshops, speaking engagements, and leadership coaching.

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