There may be some truth to this formula, or rather there may be truth to pieces of this formula and sadly it was all frankensteined together. And “Beverly” here could be a lovely person but “Beverly” systematically engineering social content in her organization is BevBot. Similarly, a leader having a cheat sheet is likely afraid of who they are or who they could be perceived to be… and that will show pretty quickly. Sure these strategies will pull people in today but I guarantee it will repel them tomorrow. Clark Quinn often reminds that humans are pattern recognition machines and frankly once a pattern like this is discovered it doesn’t take long for someone to see they’re being played. After a while, when 3 sentences no longer “works”, the next trick is employed and the next and the next.

Again the goal shouldn’t be attention, it should be connection and real connection to other humans starts with understanding that we are illogical, emotional, fickle and inconsistent. Our edges are rough and rough edges connect to other rough edges. Formulas on the other hand are smooth, polished, predictable. People are flawed, formulas are not and this is why they continually have to be updated or replaced. Look at any relationship you have at work and you’ll likely find that it’s not built on all the stable, consistent things. It’s built on winks, nods, inside jokes, self-effacement, humor and commiseration. Not in that order, not in the same ratios, and not at the same time but the reality is you can’t connect to everyone, nobody can be everything to everyone. Our addiction to black & white answers and data are sucking the humanity out of social. So here’s your new strategy; be yourself, warts and all and expect that from others.

About Me

I help companies become more social by design.

I’m an organizational social designer, author, speaker, and consultant with Prossimo Global Partners. I help companies develop systems for the culture they need to scale their business without losing the things that make it special. I facilitate this shift through workshops, speaking engagements, and leadership coaching.

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