The Book: Social By Design

After several years of improving connection and collaboration for organizations, James Tyer and I decided it was time to write a book. Not just any book but a practical, principle-based book that companies could read quickly, grasp the ideas and get to work making the changes they need to close the gap between people. Social By Design helps businesses remove barriers so knowledge flows more quickly, resulting in greater employee responsiveness and engagement.

There are no cookie-cutter approaches within. We believe organizations are unique and at different points of their growth, so we set out to provide principles that can guide and nudge change in the established and/or lock in a great culture in the start-up.

The book follows a familiar structure; Definition, Importance, Research/Examples, and Advice for each principle. Some of those are:

Socal starts with people, not technology

Social reduces friction

Conversation creates movement

Social can’t be controlled

We’re still writing and post about the process and progress on LinkedIn and Twitter. So for now, click here and sign up to receive word of its release. No spam, we promise.