Changing the Narrative Around Work

I often speak of org design and the intra systems that influence company behaviors. Things like company policy, procedures, recognition and rewards. But there are also greater inter or macrosystems at play which speak to a larger Culture of Work as opposed to the culture IN a workplace. For example take the adage of one who “works to live” as opposed to lives to work. This simply mean that one is just making money to support a lifestyle. But honestly, who would truly desire 8+ hours of tedium or passionless work to fuel their lives IF they could do different. It’s 8+ hours, often in the prime of the day. “Work to Live” isn’t a badge of honor, it’s a white flag of surrender. It’s just acceptance of the narrative of the system, a system that teaches that hard work only (or must) = emotional or physical pain to truly be work. A system narrative that positions work as a necessary evil.

So what systems change could alter this narrative and bring greater life satisfaction and passion to workplaces? It’s the one thing that hangs over most employees forcing our behaviors and beliefs about the point and purpose of work.

Systems -> Behaviors -> Beliefs

You see, for many, the reason for staying at a job they don’t like (behavior) is because of their need for affordable healthcare (system). This all results in resentment and a passionless approach to work being seen only as a means to an end (beliefs). If you change the system where healthcare is not a financial burden, how many would stay in those jobs and not instead pursue their passions? How many would either go it solo or work with greater passion in organizations they believed in? Wouldn’t this bring greater value to themselves, clients and/or company and change the Culture (of work)?

Change the system, changes the behavior and ultimately changes the beliefs… new stories will emerge.

About Me

I help companies become more social by design.

I’m an organizational social designer, author, speaker, and consultant with Prossimo Global Partners. I help companies develop systems for the culture they need to scale their business without losing the things that make it special. I facilitate this shift through workshops, speaking engagements, and leadership coaching.

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