Ask and Lead

I have two questions for you.

1. “What if training wasn’t an option?”

Asking this first, simple question at the point of solution discussion can be a game changer for the learning function and the organizations they support. Here’s why:

The belief of most outside of L&D is that “learning” = training. If you take training away, right away, their minds are forced to see paths never considered; paths that can be more efficient and effective, ones that point them to improving access to information, knowledge sharing, mentoring, coaching and better aligned roles and skills – long term v. short term.

It can also change the perception of the role and purpose of L&D. This one question can signal to the business that L&D is more than an order taker and content machine. And this one question challenges areas of the organization L&D rarely gets to participate in, from org design to system modification and incentive models. It’s THE one question that results in addition by subtraction.

And the second question?

“Do you have the courage to ask it?”

If you do, you have now thrust yourself into a leadership role you have to be prepared for.

About Me

I help companies become more social by design.

I’m an organizational social designer, author, speaker, and consultant with Prossimo Global Partners. I help companies develop systems for the culture they need to scale their business without losing the things that make it special. I facilitate this shift through workshops, speaking engagements, and leadership coaching.

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